The Squid's Ear Magazine

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Forestry Commission, The (Frangenheim / Anissegos / Voutchkova): Frost Burning
Forestry Commission, The (Frangenheim / Anissegos / Voutchkova):
Frost Burning

(FMR -- UK )

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A set of pointillistic improvisations from the collective, chamber-oriented, freely improvising trio of Biliana Voutchkova (violin), Alexander Fragenheim (double bass) and Antonis Anissegos (piano), recording in the studio in Berlin in 2016 for seven "archives" named for the length of each relatively succinct improvisation, from "Archive 4 04" to "Archive "7 38".

Anissegos, Antonis / Christos Yermenoglou: Intertitles
Anissegos, Antonis / Christos Yermenoglou:

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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Berlin pianist Antonis Anissegos and Greek drummer Christos Yermenoglou in an album of obscurely titled free improvisations, sophisticated and thoughtful discourse using both traditional and extended techniques, Anissegos inside and out of the piano, as the two converse through understated yet strong melodic threads, a truly lovely and accomplished album.

Sundland, Dan Peter : Home Stretch
Sundland, Dan Peter :
Home Stretch

(Creative Sources -- Portugal )

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The Squid's Ear Magazine

The Squid's Ear Magazine

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